According to Forbes, “Pride and ego, especially if you compare yourself to your peers, can get in the way of greatness because you may not be at the same level, and you shouldn’t be. Your move is slow burning but ultimately will produce fire. – Martin Ekechukwu, WHTWRKS Inc.”
When business owners allow themselves to become too prideful, they can essentially ruin all of the hard work put into making their dreams come true. Excess pride has no place when it comes to running a successful business. We break down a few things to look out for when it comes to ego and running a small business:
– Recognize when it is time to ask for help.
Part of putting your ego aside and not letting pride get in your way is being able to understand that sometimes you have to lean on others to be successful. Whether it’s through delegating tasks to your employees or reaching out to your franchisor for sales tips, it’s important to be able to acknowledge when you can do things on your own and when you need to ask for assistance. Seeking help doesn’t make you weak as a business owner, it actually makes you stronger than the rest because you care enough to ask for help.
– Not leaning into a business system or plan that has been designed for you just because you feel you may have a better idea will end up costing you more in the long run.
If you are working with a franchisor or a business partner that is helping you start your business, try to remember that the system is there for a reason. Trusting that other people know what they are talking about will set you up for success in the long run because it will allow you to trust others. Your pride should not distract you from what will propel you and your business forward.
– Stay humble, even in your success.
One of the biggest ways pride can take a person down is by changing his or her attitude towards themselves and other people. If you have found success in business, try to remember that you have every right to be proud of yourself and your accomplishments, but it’s in humility that you find strength to keep going. Don’t let yourself get too prideful to know when it’s time to scale back, take some time off, or even share in the accomplishments. You are never too ‘big’ to give thanks to those who have helped you get there, or to simply acknowledge those who have given you the chances you have received in this lifetime.
It’s important to remember that you have every right to be proud of everything that you have accomplished in your life, both personally and professionally. You should feel extremely pleased with yourself that you own a business and you are doing everything in your power to ensure that it is as successful as possible. However, we encourage every business owner to remember that pride, although healthy in small doses, can actually do more harm than good for some entrepreneurs.
Allow us to leave you with one question. Are you standing in your own way of success?
Why Pride Can Ruin Your Business