
Using Social Media for Your Fitness Business

Franchise | March 2025

Social media has completely changed the way people communicate and do business with others. Social media platforms have the distinct ability to bring people together through pictures, videos and short stories, despite the physical distance between them. Social media users love the ability to virtually connect with people and maintain relationships that may otherwise have been lost. It is projected that 3.08 billion people will have access to, and actively use, social media in the year 2020. This number will increase to 3.43 billion people by 2023.

Social Media & Business

According to Business News Daily, when it comes to business, actively using social media is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to attract and retain new customers. As a business owner, you have the ability to reach a large audience of people that may be interested in your business, but may not have found your company if it weren’t for social platforms. For example, if you create a sponsored ad to target people using a look-alike audience (a group of people that mimic the characteristics of your ideal customer), you can reach more people and speak specifically to their interests. You will have a specific and targeted message that will resonate with them and will hopefully trigger them to take action. You will then have a much greater chance of converting them into a lead or a customer than you would have if you relied on them stumbling upon your business at their leisure.

For entrepreneurs who are interested in opening a business in the fitness industry, such as with F45 Training, social media can potentially be a game changer.

As an F45 Training franchise owner, you are given the opportunity to attend a week-long training with the HQ staff. During this time, you are introduced to best practices when it comes to running an F45 franchise and ways that HQ will assist you. One way F45 HQ ensures you are set up for potential success with your future F45 franchise is through social media management. Our team will walk you through the importance of setting up social media accounts for your local studio and how to make compelling and engaging content that your audience will be able to relate to. As one will discover during F45 Induction, there are several benefits to using social media in your fitness business venture, including:

Raising brand awareness on a local level.

Although F45 Training has brand awareness on a global level, it may not be as well-known to the people in your local community. Starting a social media account, such as an Instagram or Facebook page, allows you to post about our company, our mission and our 45-minute HIIT-style functional workouts. As you grow deeper into your social media business practices, your audience will grow and become more familiar with the brand.

You can bring awareness to your studio employees’ hard work and dedication with a behind-the-scenes look.

Instagram Stories are one of the most powerful tools in social media marketing because they can provide a fun insight into daily life as an F45 studio owner, trainer or member! What’s trending now: short snippets of people’s daily lives and routines that others will relate to or be inspired by. Examples of successful previews into your local F45 Training studio are trainers’ daily routines, behind-the-scenes of workouts, and an explanation of how new members should prepare for their first F45 workout. This will not only give your audience a sneak peek into the F45 workout and what they can expect when they come to your studio, but they will also feel as though they already know the staff. This familiarity will make them feel welcome at your studio before they even step foot inside!

Showcase your existing studio members’ successes through appreciative posts.

Although the main goal of using social media is to attract new clients and studio members, it is just as important to retain your existing clientele. One of the most satisfying things about being an F45 studio owner is that you have a direct connection to the results of your hard work. You will see people take control of their lives and become a healthier version of themselves through your workouts.

What better way to celebrate the success of your business and your clients than bragging about them a little bit? Show off their transformations and struggles, and celebrate their successes! People are going to be investing in your studio and will put their trust in you and your trainers to transform their bodies, minds and souls. Not to mention, people relate to each other and look to find someone they can truly connect with. By celebrating your existing customers in social media testimonials, you will make them feel good about themselves, while also subliminally attracting new clients!

One of the best parts of social media marketing in business is that trends are always changing.

People will gravitate to certain platforms and brand-new social media platforms are introduced into popular rotation every few years. As the trends change, so too will your marketing strategies and efforts. For example, if people are gravitating more towards Facebook rather than Instagram, you are able to pivot your social media efforts quickly and efficiently, as to not waste time or energy.

Rest assured, F45 HQ will keep you informed about the latest trends in social media marketing that will benefit you and your business, as well as ways to capitalize on these trends.

F45 HQ will ensure that all franchisees feel supported and confident using their social media as a means of attracting new customers and retaining existing members. With professionally-made branded assets, videos and marketing campaigns, you will be able to run a marketing campaign that will propel your business to the next level.