
F45 Franchise Showcases Announced

F45 | March 2025

Join us for one of our exclusive franchise showcases  at one of six F45 Training Studios across the United States and Canada. Learn how you can own your own F45 Franchise and meet the team behind the fastest growing fitness franchise in the world.

At our Franchise Showcases, you will learn how F45 Training is changing lives through our innovative training, and watch a brief presentation on how simple it is to get involved. Our team will show you how we train in the studios, and take you through this incredible investment.

Please view schedule and RSVP for a Franchise Showcase below:


NOVEMBER 1, 2018 7:30PM

Join Marc Marano for an exclusive franchise showcase to learn how you can own your own F45 Franchise.




NOVEMBER 3, 2018 12:00PM

Join Jamie Britt for an exclusive franchise showcase to learn how you can own your own F45 Franchise.




NOVEMBER 17, 2018 12:00PM

Join Marc Marano for an exclusive franchise showcase to learn how you can own your own F45 Franchise.



F45 central boulder

decEMBER 6, 2018 7:30PM

Join Damien Rayner for an exclusive franchise showcase to learn how you can own your own F45 Franchise.



F45 Highlands Ranch

decEMBER 6, 2018 7:30PM

Join Nick Abrahams for an exclusive franchise showcase to learn how you can own your own F45 Franchise.



F45 banks street ottawa

decEMBER 8, 2018 11:00AM

Join Jamie Britt for an exclusive franchise showcase to learn how you can own your own F45 Franchise.



Want to learn more, but cannot make it to a Franchise Showcase? Please complete an online application or contact us here.

F45 Franchise Showcases Announced