
Owner Spotlight – Hayley at F45 Training One Tree Hill, New Zealand

Franchise | March 2025

Meet Hayley, the owner of One Tree Hill F45 Training in New Zealand. Hayley has been a part of F45 Training for over eight years and has owned the gym for five. In this Functional Unleashed video , viewers can see her passion for F45 Training, the gym members, and for the F45 trainers. This is truly the epitome of F45 Training and what keeps people walking through the doors day after day.

Hayley speaks eloquently about her F45 Training experience and about what makes all F45 gyms so special. We want to share some of her encouraging words with you so you can understand the uniqueness of F45 Training.

1. “You’re going to feel welcome.”

F45 trainers and the other gym members want you to be there. Hayley speaks passionately about the fact that the gym is inclusive and welcoming.

2. “There is no judgment here.”

Many people, when starting a new workout routine, feel awkward or embarrassed because of their lack of ability, their weight, or their lack of coordination. But the F45 trainers are there to meet every member where they are and to push them to achieve goals. They know how to adapt the workouts to individual needs, and no one will make anyone feel badly about what they can or cannot do. And as Hayley happily states, “We don’t have any mirrors.” So anyone who feels self-conscious when watching themselves work out can set that fear aside.

3. “You are built up by the people around you.”

F45 gyms are built on community. Members do not compete against each other. Everyone is happy for the success of others, and their support drives this success. As Hayley says, people have “a safe space to come and feel part of something.

4. “They come in as strangers. They soon become friends.”

That is the essence of the F45 community. When you walk into an F45 gym, you can feel that you are wanted and that you’re part of something special. Many describe it as their home away from home and have created connections that will last a lifetime.

5. “People come here because of mental health.”

Hayley tells many stories of the people who have joined the gym and found that the mental health benefits far outweigh the physical benefits. Not only does physical activity help mental health, but the friendships and the increased self-esteem boost it as well.

Hayley’s passion for the F45 community is evident in all she says and does. And it has even carried over to her family life, as she tells a story of when her young daughter once described what Hayley does. According to her daughter, she makes people “sweat and smile.”

That is the goal of F45 gyms—to help all members increase their physical strength, their mental prowess, and to feel like a part of the community. This is F45 Training.

If Hayley’s words have inspired you to invest or become a member of this amazing F45 Training community, you can find out more information or find a gym near you