
Build Tomorrow’s Legacy Today

Franchise | March 2025

Your legacy is what people will remember you for. It’s the mark you will leave on the world and ultimately, it’s up to you to determine what that legacy is. Do you want to be known as the person who worked hard to provide their family with a happy and suitable life, while still maintaining work / life balance? Or do you want to be remembered as the person who slaved away to corporate life, but missed out on the other important things life has to offer? The choice is yours.

At the end of the day, you have the choice to build tomorrow’s legacy by taking the proper actions today to build a life you are proud of. Your time is valuable and of the utmost importance. It starts with how you choose to spend your time, and more importantly — what you choose to fill your time with.

Let’s dig deeper into the concept of building a legacy, starting with your career…

When it comes to the career in which you choose for yourself, it’s important to remember that you spend far too much time at work to really hate what you are doing. If you hate your job, you bring a lot of that unhappiness and baggage home with you after work. It’s important to remember that your job should absolutely be a great source of income for you and your family, but it should also be a source of happiness and pride.

Do you come home feeling satisfied with your day, ready to unwind with the people you love the most? Or do you come home feeling frustrated, tightly wound and feeling like you could snap at any point? Remember: your job should help enrich your life, not take over it and control it.

Speaking of enriching your life, it’s important to remember that money isn’t the most important thing in life, but it can help set yourself and your family up for success. It’s encouraged to seek out employment opportunities that you will not only enjoy, but will help set you up for personal financial success.

Financial freedom is something to be proud of, and something that is worth striving for. It is important to remember that if you are unhappy in your current role and are seeking out something more, there are options out there. Perhaps they are a bit off the beaten path and outside of your comfort zone, such as stepping away from corporate life and investing in a new business venture, but they are there!

The most important thing you can be remembered for is your passion and how you treat people. Are you making a difference in your community through your career? Are you doing something that you are passionate about and giving it your all? If your answer is no to these questions, perhaps it’s time for a career change. It doesn’t matter where you started your journey, but rather where you end up. Investing in yourself and others will pay off immensely, both giving you a newfound sense of pride in your work and in turn, the community will benefit.

Thinking about the legacy you will leave behind can be an eye opening experience. You want your family to be proud of the person you have become and how you have chosen to live your life. More importantly, you want to be proud of who you are and the path you have taken.

If you feel you have missed the mark in this area of your life, it’s never too late to change career paths! You are fully capable of pivoting into a new adventure that will set yourself, and your loved ones, up for success in the long run. At the end of the day, the actions you take today will help build a stronger foundation and legacy for tomorrow. What are you doing to ensure you are set up for success?

If you’re ready to discuss the F45 business opportunity and how we can work together to build your personal and professional legacy, reach out to us ASAP! We’d be happy to walk you through our scalable business model and how we help change the lives of our franchisees across the globe.

Let’s build something great together.