As you go through the discovery process when considering investing in your own F45 studio, you may have questions about how your future studio will look. You will likely find yourself speaking to one of our seasoned sales representatives and asking about the appearance, location, and marketing of your potential F45 studio.
While our scalable business model allows you to picture some aspects of what your potential studio will be like, there are a few aspects that will be up to you, such as the energy that will be felt by all who walk into your studio.
The general energy that you put out in your studio will be one of the main reasons why people come back and become loyal members. Of course they will love the workouts and the results they will potentially see, but the liveliness and vigor that you bring to the studio every day will keep them coming back for more. The community you build will bring in strangers and make them a part of your F45 family.
There are several different ways to create a positive, uplifting and motivational environment in a brand-new F45 studio. We have compiled just a few ways you can open the type of studio that others will want to be a part of, solely because of the environment you have created.
Take ego out of the equation.
Our studios are designed without mirrors, something that you likely won’t see at the competitors’ studios. The reason why we have eliminated mirrors from our studios is because we want members to focus on themselves and avoid comparing themselves to the other patrons in the class, something that we all find ourselves guilty of doing when there are mirrors. This allows people to just simply unplug for 45 minutes and focus on doing something that makes them feel good, without feeling inferior to anyone or having anyone intimidate them.
Your employees should emulate the vision that you see for yourself and your studio.
The type of people that you hire should not only be highly skilled and qualified, but have the potential to motivate and engage studio members with their infectious personalities. The people that you invest in will not only be the people that the clients have direct contact with, but then should also have a deep connection to them and the community that you’ve built. The right people will be uplifting, positive, informative and helpful, without criticizing anyone.
When you take the approach that you are building a community rather than a gym, your studio members will feel as though they are more than a number to you—they are family.
Ensuring that people feel welcomed and wanted in the classes will make them feel as though they have found the right place. Our workouts are programmed and created with teamwork in mind, so that people feel as though they belong, because they do.
Use our technology to your advantage.
Our dedication to technology from the beginning is what sets us apart from others. Our studios are equipped with the technology they need in order to run high-energy, efficient and heart-pumping workouts to bring the maximum potential out of their members. Members will feel as though they are not just in any gym, but a high-tech environment that provides them with the kind of workout they will want to do again and again.
The potential success and loyalty from members will be directly impacted by the energy that you put into your studio and the environment that you create in your space. Put in an extra effort to make the environment feel inclusive, inviting and invigorating. F45 is designed to be different from anything our members have ever experienced before—our workouts and studios are no exception.
Our team is ready to speak with you about this exciting opportunity and how you can potentially open your own F45 studio with an environment that others will long for. Our team has the tools you need to potentially become successful in the booming fitness industry, while standing out among the rest. Simply inquire today to see how we can help you make your dream come true.