
How Female Franchisees Can Turn Stats Into Strength

Franchise | March 2025

A jarring and sobering statistic coming out of CNN Business: “Women ended 2020 with 5.4 million fewer jobs than they had in February, before the pandemic began. Meanwhile, men lost 4.4 million jobs over that same time period.” Moreover, in the month of December, women in the United States seemingly accounted for 156,000 jobs lost, whereas men actually gained 16,000 jobs throughout the month.
Let those numbers sink in. Sit with them and really think about it. Women are losing their livelihoods, their careers and their passions. What can our country possibly do to make up for this incredible loss felt by females everywhere?

The incredible women who have lost their jobs are likely searching for the answers to these questions themselves. What’s next? How will I know when the right opportunity presents itself? Am I cut out to do the work that I have become accustomed to?

Allow us to introduce ourselves here at F45 Training. While we don’t have all the answers to this question, we can offer a unique and exciting solution: owning your own business and becoming your own boss. F45 Training has the distinct ability to empower and inspire females to shake things up and become entrepreneurs.

Women in Fitness 

What used to be a male-dominated industry is now a gender-inclusive and forward-thinking opportunity. Women throughout the world are becoming personal trainers, nutritionists and fitness business owners. The opportunity to shake things up has always been there for females, but now is the time. There has never been a better time to take the unfortunate circumstances that life has thrown at you and become a force to be reckoned with.

Women in fitness are powerful. They are ready to change the world through precise training and high-quality workouts. Gone are the days of women being in the background of this industry—in fact, they are ready to take it over.

Female Disruptors with F45 Training 

As aforementioned, F45 Training has made a commitment to being an inclusive and diverse group of people. We empower all of our franchisees, no matter their backgrounds or identities. All franchise owners are given the opportunity to become their own bosses, create their own schedules and truly make a difference in the communities in which they serve. Our franchise owners are changing lives one training session at a time, and they leave work feeling energized and satisfied, rather than burnt out and already dreading returning the following day.

Our female studio owners are quite arguably some of the most hardworking, dedicated and fierce individuals to have walked the path of a franchise owner. We have created a community of franchise owners that cheer each other on, through both hardships and the good times. For our women franchise owners, they have an even tighter and close-knit relationship with each other, creating a community of inclusivity and encouragement.

Alyce Sparling of F45 Ossington states: “I’ve been so lucky to have a sleuth of female F45 owners around me. We are all going through the success and struggles of owning our own businesses, that we more so co-mentor one another. Each of us brings something to the table—it’s a perfect balance.”

At F45, we believe the best way to bounce back from a setback, much like the one that women have faced this year in the job market, is to surround yourself with supportive and passionate individuals that lift you up rather than tearing you down. We work with women to ensure that they are represented in the fitness community and given every opportunity to succeed that their male counterparts are. We celebrate the fierce females that work their way to becoming their own bosses and business owners, because it is truly something to be celebrated and proud of.

2020 was a year of major loss. We are all reeling from the aftermath of the past year, and trying to pick up the pieces along the way. We encourage women everywhere to take a step back and ask themselves if they’re passionate about the work they’ve been doing, or if they feel like they are just another cog in the wheel of the corporate world.

F45 is ready to welcome all potential new franchise owners and connect you with someone who has been in your shoes. Together, we can achieve greatness and continue to deliver high-quality training programs that will change both the lives of our members and franchisees. We have created a community of females that celebrate each other, lift each other up and encourage each other to push harder and to be the best version of themselves. We are here for you and we are waiting for you, when you are ready.

Want to learn more about becoming an F45 Training franchisee? Reach out to us today and a member of our team will reach out to you to discuss this exciting opportunity!

Image: Medium

How Female Franchisees Can Turn Stats Into Strength