
Member Spotlight – Roddy at F45 Training Grey Lynn, New Zealand

Franchise | March 2025

We all have a story, and we all need someone to relate to.

In this F45 Training Functional Unleashed video, we meet Roddy, an F45 Training Grey Lynn member who was initially reluctant to join. In fact, he said he had to be tricked into going. But, after over 600 classes, he is thrilled that he walked in the door that very first day.

Many of us can relate to Roddy’s reservations. Joining a gym is easy. It’s the showing up and working out day after day that is the difficult part. 

But as Roddy found—and as you will find when you join an F45 Training gym—the group workouts and the community within that gym are like none other. 

When you walk into an F45 gym, staff and other members will greet you with a welcoming smile. They want to know how you are and what’s going on in your life. You will feel that they truly want you to be there. And they will help you do what it takes to accomplish your goals to become a better version of yourself.

What gym members learn pretty quickly is that the F45 community can be  not only beneficial for their physical health but for their mental health as well. Roddy has battled depression for years, and he said that F45 has literally saved his life. While he has lost nearly 100 pounds, he has also found a greater sense of self and purpose. 

As he stated, “What has kept me alive has been being able to come here, and this has been a part of my routine that is non negotiable.”

Imagine being surrounded by people who support and celebrate you and by people who make you feel wanted and valued. That is an F45 gym

This community helps Roddy focus on his goals and gives him the courage to face each new day and to keep walking in that door. You will find that the F45 trainers and the other members will do the same for you. 

Roddy can’t say enough good things about Dori and Chris—the coaches and owners of F45 Grey Lynn—and about their desire to look after the whole person. They don’t only care about F45 members’ workouts. They care about F45 members.

This loving and caring atmosphere gives the gym a special vibe and energy that keeps people coming back day after day, even when they would rather do something else.

We all have our own story, and we can probably all relate to a little bit of Roddy’s story. So as we get ready to begin a new year, think about how you want to improve your life. What changes do you want to make? How will you go about making those changes? Who will help you?

We all have some aspect of our lives we would like to improve. And most of the time at least one of those things has to do with our appearance or health. Whether that’s losing some weight, toning our bodies, getting in shape, or becoming mentally and physically stronger, F45 can help with that. 

We want F45 gyms to be part of your story—and not just because we want you to join our gym, but because we’re dedicated to helping you become a healthier, stronger, version of yourself. By investing in F45 Training, you’re not only joining a thriving community with a commitment to transformative fitness, but you’re also becoming part of a brand that prioritizes well-being, innovation, and sustainable growth. Come into a gym near you or learn more about our investment opportunities to see what we mean.