
Sustaining Satisfaction Amongst Top Gyms and Fitness Clubs

Franchise | March 2025

It’s official, F45 is the top-rated gym in Australia 4 years in a row!

F45 has continued to grow, adapt and maintain a top-notch product over the past decade, and has now been recognised again for the 4th year in a row by Canstar Blue.

F45 has come a long way since 2012, where it all began in a small, inner-city building in Sydney, Australia. In just under 10 years, we’ve become established amongst the Fitness Industry, and regarded as one of the fastest growing fitness franchises in the world- and it’s all thanks to our amazing F45 network and community.

We are so pleased to announce that F45 Training has won the ‘2021 Most Satisfied Customers’ award in the Gym and Fitness Club category by Canstar Blue; a research institute that helps consumers make better purchasing decisions, and seeks out the best products and services on the market. Top performing brands are rated on flexibility and perks, atmosphere, equipment and facilities, staff, value for money and over satisfaction.

Our amazing franchisee’s are the heart beat of this company, and we are so proud to have such a solid community not only in Australia, but also on a global scale. F45 is now operating in 65 countries around the world, and we are continuously looking to welcome new markets and expand our global network.

It’s our F45 network who make the wheels turn in this ever changing, and constantly evolving machine, and we will continue to work with you to ensure we are providing the best fitness product possible. Our studio owners are the people who take the F45 brand, and make it what it is by changing the lives of people every day- and we think that’s pretty special.

F45 wouldn’t be where it is today without our community, and despite the unpredictable times we’ve been through the past 2 years, we, as a combined global network have come out stronger, more resilient and ready to rock a massive 2022!