Do you have what it takes to be an F45 Training studio owner? When candidates are being evaluated for franchise ownership, there are a number of traits we look for.
At F45, we look for more than just someone who has the money to pay franchise fees. We feel that while a formal education with relevant skills and knowledge will help position you for success, it’s not required to become an F45 franchise owner. The same goes for previous fitness industry experience, although experience could come in handy. Experience in sales, management, and customer service will definitely work in your favor during your time as an F45 franchisee, but they are not the only considerations we look for.
Franchise business owners can potentially experience a higher rate of success than the average new business, likely because they are backed by a scalable concept, training programs and operational support. However, it is important to note that it is the responsibility of the franchisee to make the business succeed. While we believe that there is no magic formula for the perfect candidate, there are a few key traits that help us find the ideal owners:
A strong commitment to your own health and fitness.
We don’t expect you to be a fitness expert, however, you may find that being a F45 studio owner could be more fun for you if you are passionate about fitness. If you don’t care deeply about what you do, it can be difficult to connect to your work and find the drive to push forward, despite any challenges you may face. Ideally, you will be keen to inspire your customers to get onto a positive path toward betterment, while pushing yourself to succeed in your own fitness and business journey.
“I do a F45 Training session (or two) every day. If the opportunity is there and I’m not physically taking the class, then I’ll always jump in. I also mix it up a bit with yoga and boxing through the week.” – Michael Ramsey, F45 Port Melbourne
“I tend to train 5 or 6 times per week at Kingston, alongside running the business, looking after our family dog Rufus and finding time to sleep! Panthers is probably my favorite, which is a great strength workout. I always feel totally empowered and inspired after this class” – Fiona Crossley, F45 Kingston
Personal accountability over your business.
When you become a franchise owner, you’ll be your own boss, and therefore will need to be able to take initiative and understand that the business’ success or failure is up to you. Even if you work collaboratively with others, the success of the franchise ultimately falls into your lap. Personal accountability is all about claiming ownership of your decisions and understanding that they will impact company growth. Welcoming challenges, learning from past results, and setting priorities will make you a better entrepreneur and business owner.
Ability to work within a highly standardized operational environment.
Our studio owners do everything according to the rulebook because it’s part of the agreement they make when they join the franchise network. These standard practices and policies create smooth operations and establish uniformity in all our fitness studios. So, if you have more of an independent mindset, the franchise opportunity may not be truly right for you.
Enjoy implementing plans with short and long-term objectives.
Are you someone who can come up with a strategy for growth? While many business owners envision where they see their business in three years’ time and are ready to take it to the next level, few actually take action to set these plans in motion. The ideal F45 Training studio owner places emphasis on forward-thinking and strategic execution, to ensure the success and sustainability of his or her business.
A passion for delivering high-quality service.
The key to success in your studio is both to satisfy your customers and build a community you can expand over time. Your goal should be for your customers to leave feeling happy after their workouts, so much so that they want to come back time and time again and are vocal about their love for your studio. Happy customers are advocates for your business and often attract other potential members, which is the key in both growth and profitability. A great franchise owner focuses not only on the quality service, but also the ability to make his or her customers feel as though they are part of the F45 family. If you build it, they will keep coming back.
Positive leadership within a team environment.
Teamwork is at the heart of what we do at F45, whether it’s the interaction between members and instructors or the collaboration between business owners and employees. Just like your members need a leader to guide them through their training sessions, your employees need someone who can empower them to give their all and be their very best. Our ideal franchise owner will have the drive to be the best possible leader for his or her team.
The ability to attract, retain and develop talented people.
At F45, we pride ourselves in attracting top-tier trainers and instructors. Appointing an unqualified employee could cost you thousands of dollars, which is why you need to be able to identify the right talent. When it comes to selecting high-quality applicants, it helps to think like a recruiter, i.e. specify job posts, structure interviews, and conduct tests and assessments. It is even more important that you continue to develop your employees’ skills once they are a part of the F45 family and show them just how much we appreciate their hard work. Your team could make or break your experience as an F45 franchise owner.
How do your qualities compare against the list of attributes that make for a good F45 studio owner? An honest personal evaluation can make it clear what you need to work on. If you already tick all the boxes, you have a better chance of being a successful franchisee with F45 Training!