
Why Authenticity Matters in Fitness Franchising

Franchise | March 2025

Authenticity noun | the quality of being authentic. | “The paper should have established the authenticity of the documents before publishing them”

Authenticity is not something that you can fake or pretend to have. It is something that you either have or you don’t have, and believe us when we say that it makes all the difference when it comes to how people perceive you.

When breaking into any franchising industry, especially in the fitness industry, it is important to be trustworthy, dependable and credible. You have to earn the trust of your customers and show them why they should count on you over your competitors.

Think about it: the fitness industry is growing with newcomers on the market and you are trying to win your customers over. What better way to do that than to show them why they should put their trust in you and give you their hard earned money in exchange for services that they will love?

When a customer decides to go all in with a fitness company and dedicate their time, energy and money to their programming or training programs, it’s important to understand that this likely wasn’t a frivolous decision on their part. Just as you did your due diligence when you signed up to become a franchise owner, he or she likely did their research to ensure that they were getting their best ‘bang for their buck’ and that they were investing their energy and time into a training program that will actually work.

Although there are a plethora of ways to become more authentic with your audience and customer base, here are few tips to get you started.

1. Remember that, although you are selling a product to your clients, you don’t have to be all sales, all the time. It’s imperative that you remember that you are speaking to a real human with needs and desires – and you have the tools to meet those needs! Try getting to know them on a personal level, which will show just how much you care about them as a person more than a sale.

2. Deliver real products that speak for themselves. If you have invested in a solid business plan, this should be no problem. It’s important to be as ‘real’ as possible in business, and that includes when you are speaking about the services you offer. Your training systems should speak for themselves and do all of the talking.

3. Always respond to your clients and their needs, whether it’s positive or negative. If your customer has an issue with your gym or facility, a trustworthy person will take the time to listen and respond accordingly. Remember to validate their concerns, address the issue at hand and to follow up with them afterwards. For any kind of feedback, it is always appropriate to give your clients an avenue to express their feelings and to give them the ability to be heard.

4. Give back to the community in which you serve — both through business and beyond. Being a part of the fitness industry is great because you are delivering services to your community that allows you to see tangible results. You are helping people become the healthiest and strongest versions of themselves. Beyond giving back in that way, you should consider getting involved by connecting with local charities or working with your franchisor to establish a presence in your local community.

These are just a few tips (of many) to help you establish authenticity in your fitness franchise. Ultimately, it is up to you to find out how you can show your clients, customers and community that you are a trustworthy person and that your brand cares about the people it serves on a daily basis.

If you are investing in the right franchisor, they should be able to provide you with the basic fundamentals that you need to come across as approachable and memorable, while simultaneously establishing yourself as an authority figure within the fitness industry.

Interested in learning more about how F45 sets itself apart from the competition when it comes to authenticity? Simply reach out to us today and a member of our team will give you a call! Should you choose to be a part of the F45 Family, you will have plenty of resources available to you that will help perfect the craft of authenticity in the fitness industry. We look forward to hearing from you!