
You’re Selling an Investment, Not Just a Product

Franchise | March 2025

As the owner of a fitness business, it is up to you to ensure that you are meeting the needs of your customers and clients. You may choose to hire individuals who specialize in selling memberships to people who need them, or you may choose to take that into your own hands. Either way, it’s important to remember that you are not just selling a product—you are selling an investment in your customers’ health and wellbeing.

Remembering this approach can allow you to tap into the needs of your clients on a much deeper and more meaningful level. Rather than talking about your fitness studio or gym as though it is a product that is for sale and something for the client to ‘use,’ try approaching it as a solution that, when integrated into their life and routine, can actually change the way they approach their general health, wellness, and wellbeing. What you are offering is more than a piece of clothing that will go out of style in a few months or a type of food that will be devoured in a few minutes—this will last a lifetime. 

When trying to recruit new members/clients to your gym or studio, try to remember…

They’re there for a reason, so try to gather the full story as to why they are looking into joining your gym or studio. Are they interested in feeling good about themselves again or losing a few pounds before a big event? Tap into their ‘why’ and direct the conversation towards how you and your staff can contribute to their goals. 

Offer them a studio tour and give them your full attention when showing them around. As we mentioned before, this is an investment for them. If you are asking them to spend their hard-earned money at your gym or studio, try to show them why it’s worth it and showcase your amazing studio. 

Speaking of money, try to remember to go over the cost of your services in terms of everything that they get with their membership, rather than just the price. During the tour, try to focus on everything that you have to offer and all of the amazing things that happen in-studio. Of course, if they want to talk more about the price, be honest and upfront with them, but we encourage you to try to bring the focus back on everything they get with their membership and how beneficial it can be.

Ask them what is stopping them from joining or signing up for a membership. There’s nothing wrong with being direct and asking them if there are objections that are holding them back. Joining a gym is a step in the right direction towards bettering themselves, but it can be a huge commitment for some people. We encourage you to talk through their objections and try to see if you can work through them together, ultimately coming to a reasonable agreement that they feel comfortable with. Ultimately, you want them to feel good about joining your gym or studio, not regret it, so it’s beneficial for you to put their mind at ease from day one. 

Working out and being a part of a fitness community can quite literally change individuals’ lives. They can get their swagger back, start to feel good in their own skin, and even connect with like-minded people that are a part of a tight-knit community. When you are recruiting new customers and clients, try to remember that you are not just selling a product or asking them to buy something that will last a few hours—this is a commitment and an investment in themselves. When you play into this idea properly, you can actually encourage them to not only join your studio (giving you the opportunity to make money) but to also invest in their mental, emotional, and physical health, which is priceless. 

In closing, we leave you with this one question that can make all the difference in your business: are you approaching your leads properly?

You’re Selling an Investment, Not Just a Product